mercoledì 14 novembre 2012

La Samsung chiama Apple risponde

La Apple acquista da Samsung i suoi processori (AP application processor) per iPhone e iPad, (130 milioni di unità nel 2011 e oltre 200 milioni di unità nel 2012)

La Samsung ha deciso di aumentare i prezzi di queste unità del 20%...

La Apple non ha trovato (per ora) fornitori alternativi e ha mandato giù... il contratto scade nel 2014

In pratica la battaglia legale persa da Samsung (1,09 miliardi), per l'utilizzo dei 3 brevetti apple.... se la paga apple......

Samsung Electronics , the world's largest technology firm by revenue, raised the price of mobile processor supplied to Apple Inc. AAPL -0.77%  by 20% recently, Chosun Ilbo reported Monday, citing a person familiar with negotiations between the two tech giants.

"Samsung Electronics recently asked Apple for a significant price raise in (the mobile processor known as) application processor," the person was quoted as saying in the report. "Apple first disapproved it, but finding no replacement supplier, it accepted the (increase.)"

The two firms have started to reflect the new supply price recently, the report added, citing the same person.

According to the report, Apple buys all APs used for production of iPhone and iPad from Samsung Electronics with the volume estimated to be 130 million units last year and more than 200 million units this year.

Samsung Electronics has a long-term contract to supply APs to Apple until 2014, the report added.

Link: Marketwatch

Il colosso coreano continua a crescere. In questo grafico vediamo che la sua capitalizzazione è in relazione ad Apple (ancora ovviamente lontana anni luce) ma superiore alle top5 aziende giapponesi (sony,toshiba,nec,sharp e panasonic).